Can I view a tutorial on how to use the dashboards?
Yes. There are multiple video tutorials available to guide you through your use of the dashboards. See the video tutorials page in the Guide to Using Dashboards.
Yes. There are multiple video tutorials available to guide you through your use of the dashboards. See the video tutorials page in the Guide to Using Dashboards.
In the Data Highlights section, there is a video of the initial release of the survey data from the 2023 NASO Sports Officiating Summit that provides some of the key findings.
The dashboards contain a great deal of data. Every time you click something or move to a new page, the dashboards are filtering through up to twelve million rows of data. Therefore, it can take a few moments for the desired data to be displayed.
The Data Highlights dashboard has a different background and feel than the rest of the dashboards because they were developed with the specific intention of presenting to a large audience at the 2023 NASO Sports Officiating Summit. The objective of the other dashboards is to make the data as accessible and comprehensible as possible to individual and organizational users that are trying to draw conclusions from the data. The functionality of the two types of dashboards is essentially the same. See the related video tutorials for a few functionality notes that pertain only to the Data Highlights dashboard.
There are tabs at the top of the screen. In order to move between the pages, click on the desired tab.
While the dashboards will load on your smartphone or tablet, they will be very difficult to view without a lot of pinching and zooming. You will have the best experience with the dashboards using a desktop computer.
No. There is a dropdown menu at the top right of the screen. When you click on this, a list of all of the available dashboards will appear, and you can click on a link to move directly to the next dashboard you would like to explore.
Yes. You can apply as many filters from a page as you wish. The data shown will reflect the information for the officials that fall into ALL of the categories you selected. For more information on how to apply multiple filters, see the video tutorials.
While most of the charts on the dashboard allow you to filter the data in multiple ways, there are a few charts that do not lend themselves to filtering. If you click on section of a chart and nothing else in the chart or on the page filters or changes, you are working with data that is not filterable within the dashboard.
If you cannot see the complete explanation either within a chart or in the description of its parameters, use your mouse to hover over the area. When you momentarily hold your mouse (without clicking) over the unfinished sentence or section of the chart that is not explained, a tooltip box will pop up providing you with the complete information.
Some respondents did not answer every single question on the survey. Therefore, when the grand total for a question does not add up to 35,813, the total reflects the number of respondents who provided an answer to the specified question.
The null group represents those officials who did not answer the specified question. For example, if officials did not provide information about their ethnicity, we can still find out what their answers were to all of the other questions. But, we won’t be able to group them with a specific ethnicity in order to contribute to a comparison between ethnicities. Therefore, a group was made called “null” for those respondents who did not answer the specified question.
When you hover over a section of a chart on the dashboard with your mouse, it will show the information that is represented by that section of the chart. When you click on a section, it will filter the entire dashboard by only those respondents included in the section you clicked.
Yes. NASO hopes the survey efforts will provide education about and opportunities to improve the officiating industry. Therefore, use of the data is encouraged. See our Exclusive Data Analysis section to learn how to sign up to receive key data points delivered directly to your inbox. Please credit the NASO National Officiating Survey wherever you use the data.
Please credit the National Association of Sports Officials National Officiating Survey.
The National Association of Sports Officials was created to make sports better for everyone by elevating the standards of officiating. We are passionate about supporting officials in their pursuit of excellence, and are committed to creating a community of knowledgeable and confident officials who uphold the integrity of the game. To learn more and become a member of this community, click here.
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