Bequest Online Interest Form

If you are considering a bequest to the National Association of Sports Officials and would like to share this information with us, please complete the form below. If you prefer to communicate by email, or on the phone, please contact Legacy NASO coordinator Judy Ball at, or phone her at 1-800-733-6100 x108.

    My Contact Information

    Please Contact Me About The Following:
    I would like to name NASO in my will or life insurance policyI want more informationOther

    I Prefer To Be Contacted By:

    Legacy NASO
    National Association of Sports Officials

    2017 Lathrop Avenue, Racine, WI 53405

    Handy information about NASO to include in your will or beneficiary forms:

    Legal Name: National Association of Sports Officials
    Address: 2017 Lathrop Avenue, Racine, WI 53405
    Tax ID#: 39-1364892